[youtube.com] Messaging patterns - Nir Kaufman
[wattenberger.com] react-hooks
[github] react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberHooks.js
[github.com/acdlite] react-fiber-architecture
[Shawn "swyx" Wang] time travel react hooks
When Suspense lands, React Async will make full use of Suspense features. In fact you can already start using React Async right now, and in a later update you'll get Suspense features for free.
[facebookincubator] redux-react-hook
[react-redux] Discussion: Potential hooks API design #1179
[Daishi Kato] react-hooks-global-state, react-hooks-easy-redux
[Luke Hall] Ultimate and super simple Redux alternative for your App.
[Philipp Spiess] Scheduling in React
[Daniel Schulz] Comparison of state management solutions for React
Thinking In Relay - declarative data-fetching.
[reactjs.org] docs hooks-reference
Hooks are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components.
Hooks, zwyczajne funkcje ale:
[redux.js.org/faq] Alternatives to switch statement
[react-dnd.github] react-dnd examples
Funkcja connect generuje React wrapper object, dla którego parapetr props jest generowany po każdej zmianie stanu.
The History and Implementation of React-Redux
[Mark Erikson] Vision for Redux Starter Kit, Roadmap to 1.0
[stackoverflow] why is immutability so important
[medium] ramda-lets-code-a-higher-order-duck
[reacttraining.com] react-router philosophy
Formik - v2.0 Umbrella Issue #828
[Kevin Wolf] Formal - heavily inspired on formik, which currently does not support react hooks
Transform SVGs into React components
react-window vs react-virtualized
babel plugin transform react pug
Building the New facebook.com with React, GraphQL and Relay
npm i -D @babel/preset-react npm i -D @types/react-dom npm i -S react npm i -S react-dom npm i -D babel-plugin-transform-react-pug npm install -D style-loader css-loader sass-loader babel-loader